Mathematics 270 Linear Algebra I

Course Information


Welcome to Mathematics 270: Linear Algebra I, a three-credit, junior-level course that considers significant topics in linear algebra. The five units of Mathematics 270 are listed below:

Unit 1  Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices
Unit 2  Inverse of a Matrix, Linear Systems and Special Forms of Matrices
Unit 3  Determinant of a Matrix
Unit 4  Euclidean Vector Spaces: 2 , 3 and n
Unit 5  General Vector Spaces

This Course Information is designed to supply you with essential information about the course materials, the study schedule, the student evaluation, and assignments. If you have any questions about the course itself, or how to proceed with your studies, please contact your tutor or the course professor.

Note: These course materials have been designed for students who are taking the individualized-study version of this course. Students who are in a grouped-study environment should follow the course outline, study schedule and learning activities provided by their instructor.

Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete the course should be able to

  1. solve systems of linear equations using different methods such as Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan elimination, coefficient matrix inversion, and Cramer’s rule.
  2. calculate basic matrix operations, inverses and determinants, and apply them to systems of linear equations and basic linear transformations.
  3. demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts within a vector space, including vectors, vector operations, inner and cross products, subspace, linear independence, span, basis, and dimension.
  4. find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix using the characteristic polynomial.
  5. use the concepts of matrices, system of linear equations, inverse matrix, determinant, and vector spaces to solve applied Linear Algebra problems.

The Course Materials


The following textbooks are available as eTexts and are accessible on the course home page:

Anton, H., and C. Rorres. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Versions, 11th ed. NJ: Wiley, 2014.

Anton, H., and C. Rorres. Student Solution Manual (to accompany) Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Versions, 11th ed. NJ: Wiley.

Other Materials

Mathematics 270: Linear Algebra ICourse Information. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University, 2020.

You are now reading the Course Information, which contains important information about Mathematics 270, including the assignments you must submit for credit.

Mathematics 270: Linear Algebra IStudy Guide. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University, 2016.

The Study Guide, as its name implies, is designed to guide your study of the content of this course. It includes the reading assignments and exercises you are expected to complete as you work through the course.

Suggested Study Schedule

Students who work through the course in a systematic and organized fashion are more likely to be successful in their studies than those who do not do so. Therefore, we strongly advise you to set up a study schedule to ensure that you finish within six months of active registration. In the schedule below, we have indicated the approximate amount of time that you should spend on each activity, including the time on each section of the Study Guide. You have six months from your contracted start date to complete this three-credit course, but you will note that the schedule provided below is based on a twenty-week period. This time frame is somewhat more closely in line with those of traditional institutions, and also allows you some leeway in case any unforeseen circumstance interferes with your study.

If you find yourself falling behind, contact your tutor to discuss the situation. The course is challenging, but you should have no difficulty in meeting your deadlines if you set aside a study period each week and do not procrastinate.

Note: Students registered in a grouped-study version of the course, or those receiving financial assistance, may face more rigorous time constraints. Please check your course registration for any restrictions on the length of registration, and be prepared to adjust your schedule.

Study Schedule

Week Activity
 1 Read the Student Manual and the Course Information carefully, and look over the other course materials.
  Contact your tutor, if he or she has not already contacted you.
  Set up your Study Plan.
  Read the introduction to the Study Guide and the introduction to Unit 1.
  Complete Section 1.1 and begin Section 1.2.
 2 Complete Sections 1.2 and 1.3.
 3 Complete Sections 1.3 and 1.4.
 4 Complete the first assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading using the assignment link.
  Read the introduction to Unit 2, and complete Section 2.1.
  Check the section of the Student Manual titled “Applying for and Writing Examinations,” and request the Midterm Examination.
 5 Complete Section 2.2 and begin Section 2.3.
 6 Complete Sections 2.3 and 2.4.
 7 Complete Section 2.5.
  Complete the second assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading using the assignment link.
 8 Study for and write the Midterm Examination.
 9 Read the introduction to Unit 3, complete Section 3.1, and begin Section 3.2.
10 Complete Sections 3.2 and 3.3.
11 Complete Sections 3.4 and 3.5
12 Complete the third assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading using the assignment link.
  Read the introduction to Unit 4, and complete Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
13 Complete Sections 4.3 and 4.4.
14 Complete Section 4.5 and begin Section 4.6.
15 Complete Sections 4.6 and 4.7.
16 Complete the fourth assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading using the assignment link.
  Read the introduction to Unit 5, complete Section 5.1, and begin Section 5.2.
  Check the section of the Student Manual titled “Applying for and Writing Examinations,” and request the Final Examination.
17 Complete Section 5.2 and begin Section 5.3.
18 Complete Sections 5.3 and 5.4.
19 Complete Section 5.5.
  Complete the fifth assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading using the assignment link.
20 Study for and write the final examination.
  Congratulations on completing the course!

Student Evaluation

Your final grade in Mathematics 270 is a composite of the grades you achieve on five tutor-marked assignments, a midterm examination, and a final examination.

The five assignments are posted on the Moodle course home page.

The midterm examination covers the first two units and the final examination covers all of the material in the course.

To pass this course, you must achieve a grade of at least 50 per cent on the final examination. Students who do not achieve a minimum passing grade of 50 per cent on the final examination will be allowed to write a supplemental examination. For further information, see the section of the Student Manual titled “Procedures for Applying for and Writing Examinations.”

Course Activity Due Date Weighting
Assignment 1 After Unit 1   3%
Assignment 2 After Unit 2   3%
Midterm Examination After Unit 2   35%
Assignment 3 After Unit 3   3%
Assignment 4 After Unit 4   3%
Assignment 5 After Unit 5   3%
Final Examination After Unit 5  50%
Total   100%

Assignments for Credit

You must complete all assignments posted on the Moodle course home page and submit your work to your tutor for grading in order to obtain marks in this portion of the course evaluation.

Each of the assignments covers one unit; that is, the first assignment covers Unit 1; the second assignment, Unit 2; and so forth. We strongly recommend that you work on each assignment and submit your work to your tutor for grading as soon as you have finished studying the corresponding unit.

Assignments will be accepted for grading as long as their submission date is not later than the date on which your course contract ends. Assignments not submitted or submitted late will automatically be marked with a grade of zero.

Assignments comprise a short sample of exercises on the topics covered in this course. In order to be fully prepared for the final examination it is crucial that you also work on the suggested exercises that are presented after each assigned textbook reading in the Study Guide.