Mathematics 270 Linear Algebra I

Study Guide


Welcome to Mathematics 270, a three-credit course designed to introduce you to the basic topics of Linear Algebra, using the textbook Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version (11th ed.), by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres [Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014], as the main reference and learning tool.

This Study Guide is divided into five units, which in turn are divided into sections and subsections. Each section or subsection provides a brief introduction to a topic before assigning the corresponding reading from the textbook. The assigned reading is mandatory and you are responsible for studying it.

We strongly advise that, once you have completed the reading, you work on the assigned exercises. These exercises are of differing degrees of difficulty, and need not be handed in. However, the five mandatory course assignments are based on these exercises and must be handed in to your tutor. Furthermore, the suggested exercises are crucial in preparing you for the midterm and final examinations.

As you work through this course, pay close attention to the “Objectives” provided in each unit. They tell you exactly what you must be able to do to complete the course successfully.

Please proceed to Unit 1, and remember, if you encounter a concept you cannot understand, or an exercise you simply cannot solve, do not hesitate to contact your tutor for help.

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all page numbers refer to the textbook, Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version (11th ed.), by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres [Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014].